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The Spanish Office of Patents and Trademarks (OEPM) and the patent center of the University of Barcelona are pleased to announce the conference "Chem-Pharma-Biotech Highlights on Patentability and patent Infringement ".
This training will bring patent practitioners up to date on some of the most recent topics on IP in the area of life sciences.
The speakers from HOFFMANN EITLE, Gustavo Fuster (Industrial Property Attorney, European Patent Attorney), Joachim Renken (German and European Patent Attorney), Esther Pfaff (Attorney-at-law) will discuss the following topics:
The patentability of life science inventions before the European Patent Office and their enforcement before some national patent courts with special emphasis on inventive step, claim construction, medical use claims, and product-by-process claims.
Other topics of interest will be advanced strategies for enforcing pharma patents, and generics-related issues.

This patent training is intended for Spanish and/ or European patent attorneys, patent lawyers, patent examiners, intellectual property consultants, experts from patent departments in industry and from technology transfer offices of research institutions or universities.

The organizers offers the patent training in two one-day-sessions to be held in Barcelona, the 6 February, and in Madrid, the 7 February 2018.

You will find the complete information here in the program.