Patent Offices
- Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM)
- German Patent and Trademark Office
- European Patent Office (EPO)
- United States Patent and Trademark Office
- Japanese Patent Office
- United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- European Union Intellectual Property Office
Patent Databases
- Database of patents in Spanish
- Status and File Inspection of European Applications and Patents
- EUIPO databases
- TMview
- esp@cenet (EP, WO, JP, and worldwide national patent documents))
- United States patent database
- Spanish trade mark locator service
- OEPM CEO database
Link Collections
- Collection of links relating to EPO patent information
- Collection of links relating to EUIPO trade mark information
- Collection of links relating to WIPO trade mark and domain information
- Collection of links relating to WIPO domain information
- Collection of links relating to OEPM patent, trade mark, and designs information